14 Reasons Your Website Probably Sucks

Your Website Sucks! (Probably)
You see them all the time. You come across one and think, how in the world is this even possible? Sometimes it’s a $5 million business and sometimes it’s a $500,000 business. I’m talking about websites. I’m talking about the ones that suck.
Like most of you, I visit websites on a daily basis. And, every day, I’m amazed at what I see, not because of all the awesomeness that’s out there, but rather because of all the CRAP I see out there!
So, for all those “crappy” website owners out there (you know who you are), here are 14 reasons why your website sucks…
- Your website is NOT mobile-friendly.
- Your website has NO call-to-action.
- Your website does NOT provide quality content.
- Your website is NOT up-to-date.
- Your website is DIFFICULT to navigate.
- Your website does NOT have a phone number anywhere.
- Your website is NOT optimized for search engines.
- Your website has a FLASH intro video or animation (or uses Flash anywhere).
- Your website does NOT connect with your social media profiles.
- Your website is NOT optimized for load time.
- Your website has NO clear message.
- Your website design is MORE THAN five years old.
- Your website does NOT use a content management system (CMS).
- Your website does NOT drive your bottom line.
Put all these together, and you have the "perfect storm" of a bad website. Certainly, there are many more reasons. Sometimes I look at a website and can’t even verbalize what’s wrong with it – it’s just so bad, I don’t even know what to say!
If you read this list and more than one or two of them apply to your website, I urge you to do something about it. Whether you know it or not, a poor website in any industry has an effect on your business. It’s often the first thing your prospects will experience related to your brand. If you lose them up front, you’ll probably never get them back.
I’m not saying you have to go hire someone and pay them tons of money to redesign your website. Many of the issues on this list can be addressed without having to start over. But, it will take some time and effort, and a little bit of research if you do it yourself.
Don’t let your website sit there and suck! Do something about it.
If you DO want/need some help, let us know. We have some partners we can connect you with.